Family Law

Strategic Guidance For Your Family Law Matters

Family Law And Mediation

At Daniel Tapp Law Firm in Toronto , our service is highly personal and geared to your particular circumstances. We are sensitive to the disruption involved in separation and divorce and frame strategies for guiding you safely through what will undoubtedly be one of the most difficult periods in your life.
Our legal practice is in both litigation and alternative dispute resolutions (mediation, collaborative law and traditional negotiations/cooperative law). Whatever legal process suits you, the objective is to frame for the client the optimal solution at reasonable cost.
Areas of practice:

Our lawyer, Yoel is an accredited family mediator with the OAFM (Toronto Association for Family Mediation).

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Before any steps are taken, alternative methods to resolve the family dispute will be thoroughly explored. Basically the choices fall within a range defined at one end by the more traditional litigation processes and shifting toward the variety of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) models geared to avoiding court. Versions of these ADR models are being increasingly utilized for reasons of economy, efficiency and not least of all, the ancillary benefits to all members of the family affected by the family breakup. Only when it is clear there is no other alternative but court, will this step be recommended. To determine what step best suits your case will only be determined after consultation with you.
We are very much aware that each client is looking for affordable solutions. For this reason we will investigate the potential of achieving a favourable outcome allowing a resumption of your life while reducing as much as possible the stress created by the uncertainty over outcomes.
What process do you choose? That will depend on your preferences, those of your partner and whether you are able to discuss and work together to unwind the relationship. It is safe to say that the more the parties feel capable to talk frankly and cooperatively on all the issues, the greater the likelihood of reaching mutually acceptable solutions through ADR. However, there are cases where as much as the parties would like to resolve they have problems to talk. Alternative dispute resolutions methods can be ideally suited for these difficult cases. Call to book a consultation about what process is best suited for your family situation.

Make An Informed Decision – Call Us

The choice of a family lawyer for your family dispute can be difficult but undeniably this is your first important decision. Contact us for an initial consultation to determine. We will make a thorough review of your situation and give straightforward honest answers to your questions. An initial meeting usually runs from 1 ½ to two hours. A reasonable flat fee is payable.
Our office has been working in family law for over 20 years. Our experience and commitment towards conflict resolution has helped many clients achieve the best possible outcome.
You can reach us by phone or by email to get started.