Separation And Divorce: Devising Strategic Solutions Through Collaboration
The collaborative family law was instituted to enable separating families a way to resolve their disputes with dignity and respect. This process has similarities with the mediation process in so far as both are interest based.
The major difference in the two methods is that in collaborative each party has their own lawyer committed to the process. In addition, the process incorporates mental health and financial professionals who form on-going OUR TEAMs with the lawyers, each applying their field of expertise to guide the clients through the process. This OUR TEAM approach facilitates discussions, and ensures help is available when needed to overcome hurdles and pitfalls.
We Empower You Through A Holistic Approach
At Daniel Tapp Law Firm, in Toronto , we promote and help facilitate collaborative family law techniques. We guide you as advisors in this holistic approach.
We also work in collaboration with other family professionals ensuring the financial and emotional aspects are addressed as they come up. The greatest advantage of using this approach is its robustness and its ability to adjust for low, medium or high-conflict divorce or separations.
Professionals from various spheres, such a social workers, psychiatrists and psychologists help with the emotional aspect whereas financial experts, planners and lawyers advise on the other technical aspects of the case.
Start The Process With A Collaborative Agreement
The collaborative/participation agreement is signed at the first formal meeting. This agreement states that all the parties commit to open and frank disclosure.
The lawyers also agree that if the collaborative process fails, they will no longer represent you in your family law dispute. This agreement focuses the parties, their lawyers and other members of the ream to remain focused on resolving the issues as the same lawyers cannot continue to represent clients if the file goes to litigation.
Read some of the most common FAQs about the collaborative approach.
Contact Our Collaborative Family Law Lawyer
To learn more about the benefits of the collaborative process in resolving your family disputes and not having to go to court, call us . You can also email us; your information will remain private and confidential. We have helped families in the Toronto Area; allow us to do the same for you.